How to buy a property in Hungary?
Hungary is becoming more and more popular amongst foreign investors as they understand the potentials of purchasing property in Hungary. Experts think that the market is developing dynamically and properties in Hungary continue to gain value. Without knowing how the...
Remote identification of clients
COVID19 challenges our lives all over the world, the restrictions and its consequences have a serious impact on almost every aspect of our lives and managing legal issues is not an exception. As we all face difficult times, there is an ever growing need to replace...
Setting up a company in Hungary
Investing in Hungary has a lot of benefits: Hungarian economy is stable, corporate tax rate is very favourable and setting up a company is a fairly quick and easy process. However, before starting a business, there are several legal, tax and business issues that need...
All You Need To Know About Divorce In Hungary
"Under Hungarian Family Law the basic condition of the divorce is the fact that the marriage has broken down entirely and irretrievably so there is no chance to save the marriage. The divorce can be initiated by any of the spouses or jointly as well in court. The...
Dr. Zoltán Korecz attorney at law
Address: H-1026 Budapest, Pasaréti út 12/A. I/2.
Phone: +36-1-7863-156
Fax: +36-1-7858-939
Dr. Judit Szegő attorney at law
Address: H-1026 Budapest, Pasaréti út 12/A. I/2.
Phone: +36-1-7863-156
Fax: +36-1-7858-939